Friday, April 15, 2011

Ivory Coast needs your HELP!

     Fellow nations, Ivorians need your help! The new elected President and the ex President are having conflicts. This started when Gbagbo refused to give away his position as President. The military forces of each side attempt against each other. Putting in risk innocent lives. Many people are homeless living in desperate conditions with no food or shelter.

     In article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states " No one shall be subjected to arbitrary inference with his privacy, family, home..." Also in the article 25 states "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care..." This Human rights are being violated in Ivory Coast, because many people as mentioned before don't have any shelter or any food risking their lives in the streets.

     Ivorians need urgent help, because if Gbagbos followers would like to take revenge things would get ugly. Things will be a chaos in Ivory Coast, violence and abuse of the human rights. We need the support of the International Community to manage and take control over the situation, so we can protect our fellow Ivorians. To guarantee the safety of our people we need refugee centers  with medical care for all the homeless and injured people, which homes had been invaded.


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